Thursday, May 27, 2010

Become a EPF Agent

Hey there! To become an Elite Penguin Force Agent do this:

1. Click on your Spy Phone or go to the Everyday Phone Facility at the Ski Village. You’ll see a message similar to the one right bellow. Click on go there.
2. You will arrive at the Everyday Phone Facility. Answer the phone to begin your test.
3. Hmm… nothing happens. Click on the red target that appears on your right.
4. A television screen will appear. Follow the directions given to you by the devise.
5. Walk to the Green Square, and then run as fast as you can to the Red Square.

6. Walk away from the Red Square. Hide from the camera in the bottom left of your screen (behind the wall, near the Map and Spy Phone.)
7. You will have 20 seconds to hide. You have to throw a snowball at camera 2 and hide from camera 1, at the right pilar.

8. Great work! You’ll be asked to get trapped into a cage, but don’t bother. Do not go in the blue square, instead throw a snowball at the electrical box. It will malfunction and you will have finished the test! 

9. Head on up the elevator to claim your Elite Spy Device.

Wow! Impressive! You just joined the Elite Penguin Force! Well done!

-Alighf, Club PenguCheats President


  1. Ezza WezzaJuly 05, 2010

    that's awesome

  2. Epf New :( Game

  3. Haha your site template has been stolen


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