Thursday, August 26, 2010

Art for Haiti Finalists

Hello Penguins!
For everyone taking part in our Art for Haiti project, today's an important day... It's time to vote for our finalist!
After careful consideration, the team has picked the top 4 submissions. Now everyone needs to decide which picture to paint for the mural in Haiti.
Here they are - Bella Stars, Mochileiro 7, Cadogs, Mickey1216:

Which one did you vote for? I think they are all pretty awesome but I'd have to same option D has a lot of nice detail. I voted for option D, what about you?

-Mimi40751, Club PenguCheats Team


  1. Hi Alighf It's Shared1234

    Could You Make Me A Banner? With My Name In It? Mabe Thanks!

  2. oh no anyway cya


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