Monday, August 9, 2010

EPF Field Ops Mission 9 Guide!

Today there is a new Field Operation available. I have a complete guide for you!

1. Go on Club Penguin.
2. Click on your blinking Spy Gadget.

3. Click on "Go there" to enter the EPF Command Room.

4. Walk to the Field Ops screen/central.
5. Accept the Field Op from Gary
6. Open your map
7. Click on "The Soccer Pitch"
8. Walk to the cashbox at the snack bar

9. Click on engage

10. Match the falling pictures with their pair with the arrows.

Congratulations! You solved this Field Operation! Now you can access the Elite Gear to buy or just go on by clicking accept. We need new kind of missions. What do you think
-Alighf, Club PenguCheats Team President
(Club PenguCheats 2010 (C) All Rights reserved)

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