Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Review: Alighf's Summer Party

Today's party was EPIC! We did everything we could do today! Here is a small review:

The party starts at my igloo.
After my igloo, we went to the Soccer Pitch to play soccer.
Then we went to the Snow Forts, to do the stamp hunt. We started by the target stamp.
Later on, we went for the Dance Penguin stamp to the Night Club...
...which ended as the Dance-A-Thon!
We moved to my igloo for contests!
The 1st contest was the Red Contest, to decide who the feautured penguin should be!
We went to do Hide and Seek!

Then we went racing!
After that, we made a huge snowball war!

Finally, we just said Good-bye, to give the party an end!
It was awesome! The futured penguin was...


He was the winner of the red contest and is awesome! I edned up adding like 15 penguins instead of just 5! Sorry if you weren't in those 15... Anyway! Did you have fun? let me know in your comments!




  1. Hey Alighf! Remeber me from the party? I was Saka98 Im sorry I couldnt do the other things but its ok! You ROCK For adding me! Your New friend,Saka98

  2. Your awesome Alighf sorry I couldn't get every stamp possible but its ok At least I made it to the end! Thanks for putting me in the pics

  3. hey alighf you are awesome thanks for adding me the party was awesome too. i am sorry i couldn't come to all the games and other things my brother got on the pc:{. thanks for adding me in the pics. your new freind agent sqishy


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